WizKidz Club

Chess Tournaments

  1. Timing – 9:00am – 11:00am (on last Saturday’s starting Feb 22nd to May 31st)
  2. Pricing – $5/Event
  3. Detail –
    1. Duration: A virtual tournament lasts up to 2 hours.
    2. Timings: Session timings are as listed and subject to change at the discretion of WizKidz Club to accommodate the collective availability of children enrolled in the course.
    3. Notes:
      1. Time Control: G/10+2
      2. Total Rounds : 5SS
      3. Age: Open to kids between the ages of 7-15
      4. Rating: Unrated recreational games
      5. Standard US Chess Rules Apply.
    4. Tournament Link: https://wizkidz.dynalinks.app/join